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Why You Shouldn’t Go Overseas For Your Dental Work

20 Nov 2020

Dental tourism is a common practice people turn to due to the lower costs. However, there are many significant risks in heading overseas for your dental work.

Dental tourism. It is a buzzword that makes many dentists cringe. It refers to people that travel overseas to another country such as Bali, Philippines or Malaysia for ‘cheap’ dental care.

The main reason people travel abroad is because of the lower costs – yet take on many risks. So many in fact, that we’ve listed the main reasons why turning to a local dentist like Suburban Smiles is a much safer and affordable option in the long run.

Communication barriers

Obviously when you visit a country that doesn’t speak the same language as you do, there are going to be communication issues. Even though English is largely spoken throughout the world, you are still taking the risk of dealing with a dentist that may not speak your language.

Clear communication is crucial, especially when regarding your dental health. Will they understand your exact issues? Will they recommend the best solution for your situation? If something goes wrong, how will you let them know and how will they correct it?

Different standards of dental care

Do you know the levels of standards in the country you are thinking of visiting regarding their dental care? What happens if an infection occurs? How safe is the procedure? Instead, choosing to go to a means that you will have peace of mind due to the very high levels of standards in Australia.

Australia has standards such as the NSQHS (National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards). There are 8 standards, which cover Clinical Governance, Partnering with Consumers, Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infection, Medication Safety, Comprehensive Care, Communicating for Safety, Blood Management, and Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration.

Continual care

Most dental procedures require follow up appointments and continual visits with your dentist. Traveling to another country is not the most convenient option. Another important factor is that going to a dentist is a lot like going to a doctor.

Rapport is built with your dentist from continual visits. They will get to know you, and most importantly; your teeth as well. They will have a history of your previous dental work and will know exactly what solutions will be best for you when future issues arise.

What if something happens after the procedure?

You’ve had the dental procedure you wanted and have just arrived back home – but what do you do if something happens as a result of the procedure? Did they properly evaluate you before proceeding?

For example, getting dental implants overseas can result in issues such as having implants that are too small, implants made from cheap-quality materials and rushed procedures that result in the implants quickly becoming loose. And what happens if an infection breaks out once you arrive back home?

Don’t take the risk of going overseas for your dental work just to save a few dollars. If you’re searching for an affordable, local dentist, then come visit us at Suburban Smiles in Blackburn today.

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