The Importance of Mouthguards
Dental accidents and injuries occur frequently in sport and the resulting treatment is usually lengthy and costly. Often, teeth are damaged beyond repair and extraction and replacement is necessary.
There is no reason why any child or adult playing a contact sport shouldn’t have a professionally fitted mouthguard. Some of the sports we commonly see accidents in include football, basketball, hockey and martial arts. Boil and bite and over the counter mouthguards rarely fit correctly and do more harm than good because they are both uncomfortable for the wearer and don’t provide adequate protection if they’re floating around in the wearer’s mouth.
Why Choose Us
Boil and bite and over the counter mouthguards rarely fit correctly and do more harm than good because they are both uncomfortable for the wearer and don’t provide adequate protection if they’re floating around in the wearer’s mouth.
Our professionally fitted laminated mouthguards are custom made and are available in a variety of colours. They are comfortable to wear and allow you to breathe properly during sport so you won’t be put off your game.
Get your Mouthguard Today
If you would like a professionally made, comfortable mouthguard, book an appointment with us today and we can create your protective mouthguard in the clinic so you can play sports without worrying about damaging your precious teeth!